Saturday, December 15, 2007

Seasons change

Isn't it interesting how we move from event to event in life using special holidays as cornerstones to tug us along?  It seems that we recently scurried along in our move towards Thanksgiving with our turkey in hand to only see its remains being tossed aside as the weekend gave way to the passion of Christmas.  Symbolically one holiday gives way to another much like the natural progression of life here on the planet.  From "Black Friday" forward we unwittingly are consumed by "everything Christmas" as begin to consciously attempt to "get into"the spirit with our favorite carols playing as we outdo last year with decorations around the house.  Shopping, planning, and decorating exhaust us as we also maintain the work grind as the days of December pass onward.  Would we want it any other way?  Every year it is the same, but that is not a bad thing, as "the same" often reveals some charitable and optimistic characteristics about those around us that we usually never notice.  One of the cosmic things about all of our holidays is that our involvement shows our character as we magically conjure up a time of passionate wonder and celebration throughout the year.  As we move toward the 25th let's all savor the good things about how we are energized anew around this event!  Shop, decorate, and socialize- but enjoy all of the nice things this season stirs within us all.  Merry Christmas!